– This is a list of buying prices for heroes in Mobile Legends from the cheapest to the most expensive, from BP to Diamond. There are more than 100 heroes to choose from and play as, each with different strengths and abilities. Hero prices in Mobile Legends also vary, depending on the difficulty level and popularity of the hero. In this article, we will discuss the price of heroes in Mobile Legends in more detail.
Types of Hero Prices in Mobile Legends
Hero prices in Mobile Legends can be divided into four main categories: free heroes, heroes priced at Battle Points (BP), heroes priced at Diamond, and exclusive heroes. Let’s discuss each category in more detail.
a. Free Heroes
A number of heroes in Mobile Legends can be obtained for free. Usually,
free heroes will be given by the developer as a prize for certain events
or can be obtained by completing certain missions. Some of the free
heroes that can be obtained in Mobile Legends include Alucard, Layla,
and Miya.
b. Hero with Battle Points Price
Battle Points (BP) is a currency in Mobile Legends that can be used to
buy heroes. The price of a hero using BP varies, depending on the
difficulty level and popularity of the hero. The price for the hero with
the cheapest BP is 15,000 BP, while the price for the hero with the
most expensive BP is 32,000 BP. Several heroes with a price of 15,000 BP
include Saber, Eudora, and Balmond. Meanwhile, heroes with a price of
32,000 BP include Karina, Gusion, and Harith.
c. Hero with Diamond Price
Diamonds are the premium currency in Mobile Legends which can be purchased with real money or obtained by participating in certain events. The price for heroes using Diamonds is more expensive than the price for heroes with BP. Heroes with Diamond prices vary depending on the difficulty level and popularity of the hero. The price for the hero with the cheapest Diamond is 269 Diamond, while the price for the hero with the most expensive Diamond is 899 Diamond. Several heroes priced at Diamond 269 include Nana, Zilong, and Cyclops. Meanwhile, heroes priced at Diamond 899 include Aldous, Cecilion, and Pharsa.
d. Exclusive Heroes
Exclusive heroes are heroes that can only be obtained through certain events or prizes for high-level players. Exclusive hero prices vary depending on the level of difficulty and popularity of the hero. Several exclusive heroes who have been present in Mobile Legends include Lesley, Fanny, and Ling.
Factors Affecting Hero Prices in Mobile Legends
There are several factors that affect the price of heroes in Mobile Legends. Here are some of these factors:
a. Hero Difficulty Level
The difficulty level of the hero is the main factor that affects the price of the hero in Mobile Legends. Heroes that are more difficult to play generally have a higher price than heroes that are easy to play. This is because heroes that are difficult to play usually have superior abilities and strengths compared to heroes that are easy to play.
b. Hero Popularity
Hero popularity is also a factor that affects hero prices in Mobile Legends. More popular heroes usually have a higher price than less popular heroes. This is because the Mobile Legends developers know that many players want to own this popular hero, so they increase the price of this hero.
c. Level of Uniqueness
The level of uniqueness also affects the price of heroes in Mobile Legends. Heroes who are more unique and have abilities that are difficult to find in other heroes usually have a higher price. This is because this unique hero has a power that is difficult to match by other heroes, so it is very useful in a team.
d. Team Needs
Team needs also affect hero prices in Mobile Legends. Heroes that are really needed in the team usually have a higher price. This is because the hero is very useful in the team and can provide benefits for the team.
From the description above, it can be concluded that the price of heroes in Mobile Legends varies depending on the type of hero and the factors that influence it such as the level of difficulty, popularity, uniqueness, and the needs of the team. As a player, you must consider carefully before buying the hero you want. Choose a hero that fits your play style and your team’s needs.
If you are a beginner, it’s best to start by buying a hero with a BP that is cheap and easy to play. Once you are familiar with the game, you may consider buying heroes with higher BP prices or even Diamond prices.
This is a price list for heroes in Mobile Legends that can help you choose the hero you want to buy.
BP Hero Prices
BP (Battle Points) is the currency that can be obtained by playing and completing competition in Mobile Legends. BP hero prices in Mobile Legends vary depending on the type of hero chosen. Here is a price list for BP heroes in Mobile Legends:
priced at 15,000 BP: Layla, Zilong, Miya, Saber, Eudora, Balmond, Nana,
Tigreal, Alucard, Karina, Akai, Bruno, Franco, Bane, Hilda, Minotaur,
Rafaela, Clint, Lapu-Lapu, Gatotkaca, Argus, Ruby, Yi Sun-shin, Alpha,
Vexana, Roger, Jawhead, Claude, Valir, Thamuz, Kaja, Leomord, Terizla,
Ling, Wanwan, Barats, Yve, Paquito, Benedetta, Mathilda, Rafaella, and
Heroes priced at 24,000 BP: Kagura, Chou, Sun, Irithel, Grock, Harley,
Alice, Diggie, Ruby, Gusion, Uranus, Kimmy, Claude, Minsitthar,
Esmeralda, Ling, Carmilla, and Benedetta.
Heroes priced at 32,000 BP: Fanny, Hayabusa, Helcurt, Lapu-Lapu, Argus,
Aldous, Kaja, Leomord, Badang, Ling, Barats, Yve, and Paquito.
Heroes priced at 46,000 BP: Lancelot, Jawhead, Granger, Wanwan, and Mathilda.
Heroes priced at 60,000 BP: Selena, Hanzo, and Benedetta.
Price of Hero Diamonds
Diamonds are the premium currency in Mobile Legends which can be purchased with real money. The price for the Diamond hero is more expensive than the price for the BP hero. However, Diamond heroes usually have superior strength and abilities compared to BP heroes. The following is a price list for Diamond heroes in Mobile Legends:
Heroes priced at 269 Diamonds: Layla, Zilong, Miya, Saber, Eudora, Balmond, Nana, Tigreal, Alucard, Karina, Akai, Bruno, Franco, Bane, Hilda, Minotaur, Rafaela, Clint, Lapu-Lapu, Gatotkaca, Argus, Ruby, Yi Sun-shin, Alpha, Vexana, Roger, Jawhead, Claude, Valir, Thamuz, Kaja, Leomord, Terizla, Ling, Wanwan, Barats, Yve, Paquito, Benedetta, Mathilda, Rafaella, and Jawhead.
Heroes priced at 399 Diamonds: Kagura, Chou, Sun, Irithel, Grock, Harley, Alice, Diggie, Ruby, Gusion, Uranus, Kimmy, Claude, Minsitthar, Esmeralda, Ling, Carmilla, and Benedetta.
Heroes priced at 599 Diamonds: Fanny, Hayabusa, Helcurt, Lapu-Lapu, Argus, Aldous, Kaja, Leomord, Badang, Ling, Barats, Yve, and Paquito.
Heroes priced at 749 Diamonds: Lancelot, Jawhead, Granger, Wanwan, and Mathilda.
Heroes priced at 899 Diamonds: Selena, Hanzo, and Benedetta.
Heroes priced at 1089 Diamonds: Khaleed, Brody, and Yve.
Heroes priced at 1288 Diamonds: Guinevere, Dyrroth, and Benedetta.
Heroes priced at 1680 Diamonds: Harith, Esmeralda, Cecilion, and Granger.
Heroes priced at 1888 Diamonds: Gusion, Claude, Kimmy, and Ling.
Heroes priced at 2480 Diamonds: Leomord, Lylia, and Selena.
Heroes priced at 3080 Diamonds: Wanwan, Khaleed, Barats, and Pharsa.
Heroes priced at 4888 Diamonds: Benedetta, Brody, Yve, and Luo Yi.
Heroes priced at 5999 Diamonds: Cecilion, Granger, and Harith.
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